
Project Type:

Wordpress Website

Technologies Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery

An emoji-rich website for Mojiedit

I developed this website for Double Trouble Creatives, an Australian company.

The client has provided me a PSD to follow during the designing stage of the website, i adapted the CSS to be as equal as the PSD.

The theme used by Wordpress is complitely custom, built with the Timber framework using twig views.

All the images and texts was provided by the client.

The layout

The layout is based on the css framework Bootstrap 4 with css customizations, i used some Javascript open-source libraries to implement the main functionalities and animations.

Backend powered by Wordpress

I chose Wordpress as a CMS to help the client managing the content of the pages easily and receive emails from the contact form and storing them in a encrypted database to keep track of them without loosing contacts.

To view the project LIVE click on the link below:

Emoji Meanings - Emoticons And Smileys - Smileys, Emoticons And Emojis

Do you want a Wordpress website for your company?

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