Project Type:
JQuery Plugin
Technologies Used:
- ES6 Javascript
- JQuery
A revolutionary plugin for JQuery
I developed this JQuery Plugin that allows to simulate a human typing a phrase as a placeholder for a form input field or as a simple text.
I’ve seen this text trick in a couple of famous websites and decided to implement it using JQuery so it’ll be easy for everyone to use in every project, taking dynamic values aswell.
Takes 2 arguments:
- Array of strings
- Write speed in milliseconds (default: 100)
Pass "data-placeholder" or "data-text" to the element tag (default: text)
<input type="text" data-placeholder> <script> var typingPh = [ "Search Website e.g. \"Dancing Cats\"", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "Consectetur adipiscing elit", "JS is so strange :)" ]; $('input').humanTyping(typingPh, 150); </script>
To view the project code click on the link below: